Bedtime Stories - Volume Three

"A book is the only place where you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it" - Edward P Morgan

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This is the third volume of 'Bedtime Stories' collection and comprises of a collection of 37 beautiful fantasy folk tales and fairy tales from around the world.
Many more years passed, and eventually Ali celebrated his twentieth birthday. He was still as little as a thumb, but his voice had grown very deep and very loud. In fact, if anybody was ever to hear their son speak, they would think it was the voice of a giant man.
Ali was a very sad young man because he had no friends and had to spend all of his time hiding inside of his parent's house.
One day, Ali's father was getting ready to go to the market in the next town. The old man planned on spending the night in a caravan-serai because he would not be able to make the journey there and back before nightfall.
Ali pleaded with his father to take him along on the journey, but his father looked very anxious at the idea. 'We never took you out until this day and I am not sure that I can do it now,' he said. 'How can I protect you and hide you from other people?'
'It will be easy,' answered Ali in his deep, booming voice. 'You can keep me in your pocket and nobody will ever know I ...
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